Scott County Kiwanis Club President Rev. Tim Mohon presents a check for $500 to CRADLE Family Resource Center building manager Pastor Zachary Manton and Executive Director Erin Manton. The grant was awarded from the Kiwanis Club of Scott County Fund at the Community Foundation and will be used to support CRADLE’s mission of helping children and families with clothing, diapers, wipes, and other essentials. In 2024 they have served more than 200 different families between 5,000 visits, which is an increase of more than 65 percent from last year. They have given away more than 60,000 diapers, an increase of over 20 percent from last year. They have helped with over 10,000 pieces of clothing, as well as provided formula, baby food, birthday cake kits, and more. CRADLE is especially in need of diapers size 3-5.